Employee Assistance Programs for Health Professionals
When employers take the time to support the mental health of their staff, everyone benefits. Good mental health is important for a productive and safe work environment, especially in industries like healthcare, where the risk of burnout is high, and the wellbeing of others is at stake.
Combating workplace fatigue and trauma in the healthcare profession
People who live with complex needs often fall through the gaps in mental health service provision. They commonly encounter economic, cultural and social barriers to accessing appropriate health services.
Working with complex clients and teams
People who live with complex needs often fall through the gaps in mental health service provision.
Perfect is the enemy of good: how perfectionism works against us
Do you struggle with perfectionism? If so, it could be making you sick. Perfectionism can lead to many negative outcomes, including procrastination and toxic self-talk.
The important role of social workers in Australia’s healthcare system
Social workers play a central role in Australia’s healthcare system, yet their work is often overlooked or misunderstood.